In honor of me leveling up on October 2nd. LEVEL 47
(aka - it's my birthday)

Junk Journal Challenge is from October 1 - 31
I am going to be hosting my first Junk Journal Prompts Challenge. 
You will receive 1 page (31 prompts) of different words. You can download and print out these super FUN inspirational words for you to use.
Cut them out and add them to your creations. Use your imagination. Have fun, just create.
I will email you a PDF file for you to download and print on September 30th. 

Tell your friends, invite a few of them to join in. I would LOVE it!

It's so easy.
  1. Sign up
  2. Tell your friends
  3. Follow me on Instagram @paesanodesignstitches
  4. Wait to get your FREE PDF prompts via email
  5. That is it!

When you have completed a challenge word please share what you have created on Instagram  @PaesanoDesignStitches 

use the hashtags #junktober #paesanodesignstitches

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